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What Did You Buy Today?
1/2 position in BP and I intend to buy a full position in OKS if the price holds, and I'll probably add to my BBL.
Love the dips :-)

I raised a lot of cash a while back and have been feathering pretty aggressively into the energy blood bath. So far have bought BTE, COP, ESV, OIH, OKE, OKS, PSCE, SDRL, SSL, WMB, WPZ. I also added to DLS and FRN which hold nearly 20% energy related stocks. Total weighting in energy is now a bit north of 20%, my self imposed usual limit for energy. Because the current situation offers special opportunity IMO, I'll continue to incrementally add to the above positions, but only small incremental buys at 5%-10% drops in price.

I like KMI and had an over sized position, but don't like the whopping 30%+ short interest. I'm afraid somebody knows something that is not obvious to me, so the position was trimmed over 1/3. There is a chance that the large short interest just relates to conversion prices related to the details of the consolidation. If so, I may pick the sold shares back up at a later date.

Nonsense to make message long enough.
130 of OKS, added 200 BP and 120 of BBL (got a falling knife with those last 2, but they're still on sale--and in a year... ;-) )
Bought all of the Added BBL and 1/2 of the BP on re-balance with MSFT, APPL and OHI

BP is an interesting choice with the huge restructuring that is taking place in the company. Since 2010 they have divested over $43B in assets to cover the cost of the gulf spill. They are now taking an ax to employees, to downsize the work force such that it matches the new size of the company. There is also some discussing of the dividend taking a hit, as the dividend was based upon the earlier much larger company, and now represents quite a bleed on the smaller company. I'm not saying that BP won't be a great investment, but am saying that all of the above muddies the picture much more than is the case for COP, CVX, XOM for example.
Added +15% BBL and +15% BP
Congrats on the timing of the BP purchase and others. Energy is so much on fire today that all of my most recent purchases are heavily in the green. Was distracted this a.m. and missed out on a couple of buys, but if this turn holds, the portfolio is well positioned for a good end of the year and beginning of next.
same here, just swapped out 60 units of BP at a 0.40 profit for 65 OKS. Never been a day trader before--not planning on making a habit of it.
Alex--I think your words are well founded. I have full positions in CVX, COP, etc, but none in BP. I think it will downsize, but I believe it will be a major oil player for the foreseeable future, and as I like diversity even within my sectors, I feel its a quality buy at these prices.

Woke this morning to see I missed a good opportunity.

Will have to pace myself and hope there is yet another pull back in the energy.
To those who bought yesterday, nice going.
Added 33% to USB yesterday.
I haven't bought anything today, but bought 39 partial positions in Dec. All purchases are stocks I already own. A sampling of Dec. buys: CAT, ED, DUK, GRMN, OXY, KO, T, MCD, SPY, DIA, VZ, BP, COP, CVX, OXY, XOM, CTL, JNJ, MSFT, XLE, AAPL. Whew! I'm done for the year.

Added to my IBM position this afternoon, now overweight the stock.

Paid $162.25, which gives me a 2.7% yield. Not quite the 3% it nearly had a week ago, but I'll take it!
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