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What Did You Buy Today?
(05-05-2021, 10:55 AM)divmenow Wrote: Wow PTON getting smoked today. They will go out of business in the next several years. This news is bad and will be hard to come back from. They lost all credibility! Customers will be canceling subscriptions. And lets not forget its a big holding of Cathie woods lol. She just bought 150k shares on 4/21

Wish I kept my puts lol

This is indeed a crazy market. Stocks you never saw hitting 52 week highs lol

AA, BAC, CROX, PVH, RUTH, UAA just to name a few.

Restaurant stocks are at near highs. What a run from the lows. Glad I bought TXRH at $46
Restaurants were a good play but then again so was damn near anything we bought if we held it six months.  We are all master stock pickers when the tide is rising.  I bought TXRH under 40 and wondered if I was screwing up.  Smile  I bailed on all restaurants some time ago.  Trading above pandemic levels with much more debt and rising wages defies logic.  I'm sure they'll have a great summer then reality will set in.  Selling TXRH puts was easy money but that play is over for now.
(05-05-2021, 10:46 AM)ken-do-nim Wrote:
(02-25-2021, 10:25 AM)fenders53 Wrote:
(02-25-2021, 10:00 AM)divmenow Wrote: Bought some LDOS. Between the earnings miss and short report I haven’t seen it this low in a while. So I said why not lol. You in on this one too Fenders ?
I haven't researched it.  Hadn't heard of it until you and Otter were discussing it last week.  I am trying to not add too many more new names.  We'll see how long that lasts.  Smile

What I need is for tech to get hammered for real again, but this market is resilient.

Very small trades this morning.  Added a few shares to DG-ARKF  Sold a few SLV puts.

(05-05-2021, 10:21 AM)EricL Wrote:
(05-05-2021, 10:05 AM)ken-do-nim Wrote: $3000, awesome!  Given that your "full position" mark is $2000, your portfolio can now generate 1.5 positions on its own annually without your putting new money in.

XOM is one of the bigger high dividend payers I don't have.

Yeah, it's pretty awesome. Can really start to tell the dividend snowball is growing faster and faster. Being able to add to my stocks every month or so with pooled dividends is great. It's nice being able to time buys with ex-div dates and build out my smaller positions while not messing with the rest of my bigger holdings.

I had fun with the pooled dividend purchases too in April.  Now I have to send the dividends over to checking to replenish savings, since selling company stock anytime soon doesn't seem to be an option.  I'm finding extracting money from my brokerage account psychologically difficult Smile

Pooling dividends is the way to go in modern times.  Us old timers dripped to avoid fees because it made sense.  I won't extract money from my retirement accounts early as long as I have the means to find some spare change elsewhere.
Yeah, my savings crunch is 3-fold:
1. I did that refinance cash-out which added ~$450 to my monthly payment.
2. I now put 10% of my paycheck into company stock to receive the 15% off discount ... but of course that requires selling to receive it back.
3. To do the backdoor ROTH IRA conversion, I moved $12k out of savings. I fully intended to cash out company stock the next month to compensate ... but here we are.

One of the big reasons I'm in ORC, OXLC, RA and other high yielders is precisely because I knew I might need the dividends to supplement my paycheck for the next year or two. That said, I'm pleasantly surprised to see some price gain out of this equity class; OXLC for instance is up 7.48% for me. 7.48% YTD + 11.91% yield, can't complain.
added NEE, IBM, SRE and AWK
(02-25-2021, 10:25 AM)fenders53 Wrote:
(02-25-2021, 10:00 AM)divmenow Wrote: Bought some LDOS. Between the earnings miss and short report I haven’t seen it this low in a while. So I said why not lol. You in on this one too Fenders ?
I haven't researched it.  Hadn't heard of it until you and Otter were discussing it last week.  I am trying to not add too many more new names.  We'll see how long that lasts.  Smile

What I need is for tech to get hammered for real again, but this market is resilient.

Very small trades this morning.  Added a few shares to DG-ARKF  Sold a few SLV puts.

(05-05-2021, 11:36 AM)stockguru Wrote: added NEE, IBM, SRE and AWK

Do you have any other tips as good as RIO turned out?
(05-05-2021, 11:56 AM)ken-do-nim Wrote:
(02-25-2021, 10:25 AM)fenders53 Wrote:
(02-25-2021, 10:00 AM)divmenow Wrote: Bought some LDOS. Between the earnings miss and short report I haven’t seen it this low in a while. So I said why not lol. You in on this one too Fenders ?
I haven't researched it.  Hadn't heard of it until you and Otter were discussing it last week.  I am trying to not add too many more new names.  We'll see how long that lasts.  Smile

What I need is for tech to get hammered for real again, but this market is resilient.

Very small trades this morning.  Added a few shares to DG-ARKF  Sold a few SLV puts.

(05-05-2021, 11:36 AM)stockguru Wrote: added NEE, IBM, SRE and AWK

Do you have any other tips as good as RIO turned out?
Yeah that's been a good one so far  Big Grin

I  think growth is the place to start nibbling on positions now. They dividend stocks are starting to look more then frosty now  Big Grin

Growth - TDOC, ENPH, NOW, ETSY those type of names.  These companies will continue to grow at a fast pace. I know some have already purchased shares the last few days. Got a nice dip now.

Dividend buys SRE, NEE, AWK, CP, CVS and IBM

OIL may run a lot more - CVX, PXD, EOG and CVX
(05-05-2021, 12:54 PM)stockguru Wrote:
(05-05-2021, 11:56 AM)ken-do-nim Wrote:
(02-25-2021, 10:25 AM)fenders53 Wrote:
(02-25-2021, 10:00 AM)divmenow Wrote: Bought some LDOS. Between the earnings miss and short report I haven’t seen it this low in a while. So I said why not lol. You in on this one too Fenders ?
I haven't researched it.  Hadn't heard of it until you and Otter were discussing it last week.  I am trying to not add too many more new names.  We'll see how long that lasts.  Smile

What I need is for tech to get hammered for real again, but this market is resilient.

Very small trades this morning.  Added a few shares to DG-ARKF  Sold a few SLV puts.

(05-05-2021, 11:36 AM)stockguru Wrote: added NEE, IBM, SRE and AWK

Do you have any other tips as good as RIO turned out?
Yeah that's been a good one so far  Big Grin

I  think growth is the place to start nibbling on positions now. They dividend stocks are starting to look more then frosty now  Big Grin

Growth - TDOC, ENPH, NOW, ETSY those type of names.  These companies will continue to grow at a fast pace. I know some have already purchased shares the last few days. Got a nice dip now.

Dividend buys SRE, NEE, AWK, CP, CVS and IBM

OIL may run a lot more - CVX, PXD, EOG and CVX
Guru I think you are right on the growth.  If you want 100 shares it might not be a great idea to buy them all today, but I've started to nibble.  I never pick the exact bottom and getting stuck with not enough shares on the dip is better than sitting on your hands. I'm still wary of anything that has no hope of being profitable for years.
ETSY reports earnings tonight. Might be worth a buy at $65 off 52-week highs.

I thought Zillow (Z) had solid earnings the other day, it is currently 45% off 52-week highs.
My website: DGI For The DIY
Also on: Facebook - Twitter - Seeking Alpha
Thanks for the tips Smile

I will be watching CVS for a dip. I do shop there practically every day. But if it does dip, I'll have to liquidate something else to acquire it.
(05-05-2021, 01:06 PM)EricL Wrote: ETSY reports earnings tonight. Might be worth a buy at $65 off 52-week highs.

I thought Zillow (Z) had solid earnings the other day, it is currently 45% off 52-week highs.
It's crazy how many promising stocks that have pulled back hard while the indexes sit near ATH.  I don't put too much stock in Cramer's short term calls but his "three day rule" is valid IMO.  It takes the earnings date traders a few days to get in and out.  I have about zero trust in earnings day movement.  

Even the sketchy stocks seem to be near a bottom.  I'm not looking to buy ETSY now, but it seems that's the quality you can insist on when almost everything high PE has burned to the ground.  No need to buy hyped junk.
(05-05-2021, 01:39 PM)ken-do-nim Wrote: Thanks for the tips Smile

I will be watching CVS for a dip.  I do shop there practically every day.  But if it does dip, I'll have to liquidate something else to acquire it.

CVS is trading at a 10.9 PE.

How cheap are you hoping to get it?
My website: DGI For The DIY
Also on: Facebook - Twitter - Seeking Alpha
(05-05-2021, 01:39 PM)ken-do-nim Wrote: Thanks for the tips Smile

I will be watching CVS for a dip.  I do shop there practically every day.  But if it does dip, I'll have to liquidate something else to acquire it.
It was better 20% ago but it is still in the top 20% (at least) for good value and a decent dividend.  Nice div and it's crash proof for years IMO.  That counts for something.  I'm out now but only because my zillion conservative CVS option plays have finally played out.  It would have been far less complicated to just overweight my long shares but I like to make everything harder.  It's just what I do for entertainment.  Smile

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