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What Did You Buy Today?
(04-02-2020, 09:31 AM)Otter Wrote: LOL. Up to over 1% since I typed that. Worst unemployment figures since the Great Depression = headed to new all-time highs!

I'm trying to just watch my stocks and mostly ignore the irrational market.
On this day, that I have no idea what on earth is happening.

Simply because: why not?
(04-02-2020, 10:59 AM)crimsonghost747 Wrote: On this day, that I have no idea what on earth is happening.

Simply because: why not?
I like your "plan".  Just buy some quality because your gut told you it should work out eventually.  If anyone else here has a plan with a higher probability of a better outcome, I haven't seen it.  I hate these sideways market days.  Did my usual WED-THU trick and sold some calls that mostly expire in a day or two.  It's only $500-800 a week but I can buy some falling knives with that money or maybe even a few shares of core positions if I am feeling extra responsible.   Big Grin
Only one good trade today. I sold my Cracker Barrel last week for $101.50 on the Div cut announcement. I definitely planned to hold it long-term but my Div dreams were crushed for now. A week later it's trading at $70. That's about where I intended to start nibbling back but haven't yet. So I just sold a put and I am now committed to buy 100 shares of CBRL at $60 for 15 days. I was paid $270 for the risk, which is more than an entire years dividends I wasn't going to get. I like this trade a lot. I definitely expect CBRL to dip below $70 if the market gets rough again. I'll do this again if it drops significantly. I actually hope that happens because CBRL isn't going away. I want the shares long-term so this is about as good as it gets. Volatility makes these premiums possible. It's not normally anywhere near this good.
RTN what a POS. They took it down $4 In 10 min. Worst investment this year for me, Tomorrow is merger day. Let’s hope if gets better lol

I added to PEP, WEC, CCI, STOR and yes BA right before the close lol. Just a starter position. I will add bigger if it’s get close to $100 or under.
(04-02-2020, 03:15 PM)divmenow Wrote: RTN what a POS. They took it down $4 In 10 min. Worst investment this year for me, Tomorrow is merger day. Let’s hope if gets better lol

I added to PEP, WEC, CCI, STOR and yes BA right before the close lol. Just a starter position. I will add bigger if it’s get close to $100 or under.

BA is going to require some patience.  They recently said a couple years to recover and that sounds reasonable given the fact they are already in trouble and one of their customers are in any position to buy a jet.  BA BIZ isn't going to spring to life when the economy tries to recover later this year.  The stock might though.  Who knows?  I'll be tempted if it settles out below 100.  I'll have to be paid to wait years for a dividend.

RTN has to be suffering from their exposure to aviation via the UTX merger.  All the industrials with aviation exposure are down about the same.
RTN is not just suffering from exposure to the aviation industry through UTX, they are also suffering from exposure to UTX itself!

RTN has a pristine balance sheet. And they are operating in a sector that can survive all sorts of downturns and recessions.
UTX has a crappy balance sheet (at least compared to RTN) and they rely hugely on a single industry (air travel), which always gets hit badly in a recession.

I've always been super skeptical of this merger, because I know that RTN is gold. UTX... has it's moments but as we can all see it's a bit too vulnerable.
I really find it hard to evaluate the new company, and that is a bit troublesome as it's one of my largest holdings. If there was no merger I'd be buying with two hands but the dirt UTX brings with it stains the whole company.
Those of you who own UTX - what are you going to do with the two new spinoff companies?
(04-02-2020, 09:28 PM)crimsonghost747 Wrote: RTN is not just suffering from exposure to the aviation industry through UTX, they are also suffering from exposure to UTX itself!

RTN has a pristine balance sheet. And they are operating in a sector that can survive all sorts of downturns and recessions.
UTX has a crappy balance sheet (at least compared to RTN) and they rely hugely on a single industry (air travel), which always gets hit badly in a recession.

I've always been super skeptical of this merger, because I know that RTN is gold. UTX... has it's moments but as we can all see it's a bit too vulnerable.
I really find it hard to evaluate the new company, and that is a bit troublesome as it's one of my largest holdings. If there was no merger I'd be buying with two hands but the dirt UTX brings with it stains the whole company.
You are definitely on record with that opinion.  I currently see PH and the defense contractors down severely as well.  Yes RTN is down worse than most.  I liked the merger idea long-term because I know the US Defense budget is absolutely unsustainable.  We're here now, and and printing unlimited money.  Mergers are usually challenging to pull off at first.  With the current economy, we'll have  no idea if this merger is going well for over a year.  They committed early on to paying shareholders back.  Share buybacks are out of style, but hopefully dividends are not.  There should be Div news very soon.  

Binary, I think the spin off companies may be solid.  Both are excellent brands and viable in about any economy but this one.  I am going to give them a look when they share details.  I only own RTN so I would have to buy them.
(04-02-2020, 11:03 PM)Binary Wrote: Those of you who own UTX - what are you going to do with the two new spinoff companies?

I didn’t own UTX. Only owned RTN and have a big position in it. Now I get 2.3 shares for every share I own in the new company RTX. I plan on adding more shares as well in the new company. Long term this will end up being a steal. But in the short term I will just have to be patient and look ? away lol 

I believe the CARR share should open a bit above $13 a share. I will watch and see where it goes. I like that part of the spinoff. It’s a good business. The Otis division I will stay away from.
Looks like I will get a chance to start buying back my MMM shares. The Pres is trash talking them on Twitter. From hero to goat in a couple weeks. Just saw MMMs response. I really hate this ruling the free world by Twitter thing. He has targeted a lot of companies and tried to embarrass them. Maybe call the CEO first!
(04-03-2020, 06:57 AM)divmenow Wrote:
(04-02-2020, 11:03 PM)Binary Wrote: Those of you who own UTX - what are you going to do with the two new spinoff companies?

I didn’t own UTX. Only owned RTN and have a big position in it. Now I get 2.3 shares for every share I own in the new company RTX. I plan on adding more shares as well in the new company. Long term this will end up being a steal. But in the short term I will just have to be patient and look ? away lol 

I believe the CARR share should open a bit above $13 a share. I will watch and see where it goes. I like that part of the spinoff. It’s a good business. The Otis division I will stay away from.

Did RTX communicate anything about their dividend policy?

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