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(04-26-2016, 07:29 PM)Rasec Wrote: OMG OMG OMG... SELL SELL SELL!

It has "only" done 50B in quarterly sales...

"Other" products are growing 30%... So maybe Apple should consider a spin off of its iPhone division to be considered a growing company again

What worries me the most is the $233B in cash outside the US (90% of it all), but I'll still add up tomorrow around 11am, when I'm guessing auto traders will sense the bottom of this panic and will start buying again.

I hope it goes down tomorrow even more.  Dividend went up to .57/share from .52 and a price drop will give a nice bump in yield
(04-26-2016, 07:29 PM)Rasec Wrote: OMG OMG OMG... SELL SELL SELL! 

It has "only" done 50B in quarterly sales...

Just playing devil's advocate here, people said the same thing about Nokia and Research In Motion (Blackberry) at one point.  That's always in the back of my mind with tech companies.  I have no specific opinion on Apple, I've just been watching for years and never pulled the trigger to initiate a position in it.
(04-27-2016, 09:19 AM)DividendGarden Wrote: Just playing devil's advocate here, people said the same thing about Nokia and Research In Motion (Blackberry) at one point.  That's always in the back of my mind with tech companies.  I have no specific opinion on Apple, I've just been watching for years and never pulled the trigger to initiate a position in it.

You are right, and therefore don't invest all you have in it! But isn't it the case with any other player in the market? In every sector there are examples of companies that became "irrelevant".

I do think Apple is leveraged for growth though, true the Iphone represents the real cash cow today and it's very hard to bring growth in a saturated and competitive market, but the future looks bright with TV, software, services, IoT, wearables, self driving cars and everything else we probably haven't even thought of. 

Long Apple, but not all in Apple. 

Btw I ended up not buying more today, even with the 6-7% drop the price is still 5% higher than my cost basis, so I'm still "green" (and low on capital, so I'm saving some dry powder).
(04-27-2016, 06:52 PM)Rasec Wrote: but the future looks bright with TV, software, services, IoT, wearables, self driving cars and everything else we probably haven't even thought of. 

I didn't realize Apple was in a position to take advantage of those things.  Maybe wearables, but I didn't think Apple was in those other businesses.
(04-28-2016, 09:03 AM)DividendGarden Wrote: I didn't realize Apple was in a position to take advantage of those things.  Maybe wearables, but I didn't think Apple was in those other businesses.

You are probably aware of Apple TV and Apple Music and the money making machine the app store is, self driving cars and IoT are still long term plays.

There's revenue beyond hardware and it's growing yoy. They've just announced major plays in the healthcare sector for example (tracking diabetes).
Bought some today at 92.50

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