[quote pid='28343' dateline='1630000256']

Buy or sell targets? I am out again. Just income plays and when I get three years of income in a year I say thanks and sit on the bench and wait. I'll be back when all hell breaks loose. Until then I have better things to do. I'm not tracking it waiting for a 50 cent dip. Not even on my near-term radar right now.
What are your buy targets for ARCC and RQI, when the market corrects, to get back in? (stocks, not options).
RQI-$12 ARCC-$16 I have purchased both well under those prices more than once. If they got within $1 of those targets I'd update my research. You have to keep in mind some of my port harvests yields selling puts on very conservative stocks. For years I have 6%+ annual income from boring stuff like HRL-JNJ-KO and I am confident as one can be they won't drop half as far if the big market crash comes. Point being you can pay more for RQI and ARCC and it might work out fine. Just don't fool yourself into thinking they don't get hit very hard on a market dip. They are quality though and you can just close your eyes and ride it out if you wish. (and you probably should if you get caught in a dip). I haven't had to yet but that truly is why they make the cut for me. I hope that was at least a little bit helpful.
(08-26-2021, 11:08 AM)fenders53 Wrote: [quote pid='28333' dateline='1629993132']Reposting for @Fenders53, in case he missed the questions
[quote pid='28274' dateline='1629815791']
Thank you. What are your price targets for these two? Also, I assume RQI dividends are mostly not qualified given the REIT investments?

Buy or sell targets? I am out again. Just income plays and when I get three years of income in a year I say thanks and sit on the bench and wait. I'll be back when all hell breaks loose. Until then I have better things to do. I'm not tracking it waiting for a 50 cent dip. Not even on my near-term radar right now.
What are your buy targets for ARCC and RQI, when the market corrects, to get back in? (stocks, not options).
RQI-$12 ARCC-$16 I have purchased both well under those prices more than once. If they got within $1 of those targets I'd update my research. You have to keep in mind some of my port harvests yields selling puts on very conservative stocks. For years I have 6%+ annual income from boring stuff like HRL-JNJ-KO and I am confident as one can be they won't drop half as far if the big market crash comes. Point being you can pay more for RQI and ARCC and it might work out fine. Just don't fool yourself into thinking they don't get hit very hard on a market dip. They are quality though and you can just close your eyes and ride it out if you wish. (and you probably should if you get caught in a dip). I haven't had to yet but that truly is why they make the cut for me. I hope that was at least a little bit helpful.