07-21-2021, 10:48 AM
(05-11-2021, 09:12 AM)divmenow Wrote:(05-11-2021, 09:08 AM)fenders53 Wrote:(05-11-2021, 09:06 AM)divmenow Wrote:I am very good with owning ENPH long-term. How happy I am in the end very much depends on the entry. We'll see where the bottom is soon enough.(05-11-2021, 09:00 AM)fenders53 Wrote:(05-11-2021, 08:47 AM)divmenow Wrote: Way to go... . Join the ENPH club lolDude I am a charter member of ENPH. I made a few hundred a month the past year selling short puts while it ran. I have a few short puts that are WAY in the money after this bloodbath. I can only roll forward so much before I own $140 shares. I said here many times I was good with adding a real position starting at $125. If I am honest I need ENPH to head back to $120ish to be back to even. I wasn;t aggressive enough when it was truly cheap. I'll add shares to my growthy port in the meantime.
I also took a new position in PXD thanks to the secondary at $153
I needed to add another name in the sector to go along with CVX and EOG
now the only other sector I'm underweight in is leisure
Yeah yeah. What ever floats your boat lol
Well me too. Got in at $108.90
This will be a big winner for years to come. You have to add at some point, so why not today. I don't worry about making a few $ here and there . I'm in to win it lol
Are we having fun today
(07-21-2021, 09:45 AM)crimsonghost747 Wrote: Agreed on the financial news part. Or news in general.When I was young the news was mostly the news. Media made an attempt to be neutral, or clearly identify they were editorializing or supported a particular party. For a very long time now they are a branch of a political party and the masses truly think they are getting the whole story. I should have said believe instead of think because there isn't much independent thought in the equation.
I don't know if it's always been this way but seems like the news, no matter what source they come from, are more there to tell you what your opinion should be rather than to tell you the facts of what is happening.
I still follow yahoo finance to see the topics of today's articles but it's very rare that I actually open up an article and read the whole thing.
Financial news is just for shock value. I am not saying the commentators have a self serving agenda, but the guests they interview all day long often do. Flat and boring markets don't draw viewership so the networks keep it chopping best they can. Used to love Cramer. He is a very knowledgeable of the markets. Hedge fund insider that knows how the dirty game works. He has been nothing but a carnival barker for a long time now. I'd lose my house if I traded his daily mood swings. His only purpose is to keep things as exciting as possible. He accomplishes that.