04-19-2021, 05:15 PM
(04-19-2021, 04:57 PM)divmenow Wrote: Buy the MO pullback. Thanks Biden for the cheap shares under $48. I will send you a Christmas card in the mail lolWhat I read today was lowered to the level of non-addiction. It's effectively like trying to get drunk off N.A. beer. Or weed with zero THC. (Correct me if I am wrong, but many desire that?) Most people can't spend $40/day on fake cigs anyway.
Reduced nic = more buys to get same buzz!!! = increase sales= stock go up
And JULL will be a big winner now and MO owns over 30 percent of that company.
Winner winner chicken dinner. I love the over reaction stocks. This even if true would take years to get approved.
I suspect this won't really happen and it won't happen soon if it does. It's just intrusive and annoying, and actually far less healthy as the MANY toxins in the smoke are what get you. To my knowledge you don't die of nicotine. I don't smoke. I'll just invest my smoke dollars elsewhere and deal with less of this. I thought MO might run to $60. Nope, cut off at the knees again. Are we going to force 50 calorie Big Macs and Baconaters? They kill too.