I traded it several times last year and of course a hold would have been better. Great company but it is as cyclical as it gets and the PE is really getting out of range before they even peak earnings. No idea how high it goes if infrastructure bills come to fruition. I know I wouldn't buy and hold a lot of $250+ shares. You will be sad in a couple years. Same with Deere. That's the downside to being awarded a tech stock PE.
My crystal ball says your price target has decent risk reward because I know you are smart enough to bail if the investment thesis starts looking shaky. We have no clue what bill passes. They might build bridges, windmills, inner city housing, or next to nothing.
My crystal ball says your price target has decent risk reward because I know you are smart enough to bail if the investment thesis starts looking shaky. We have no clue what bill passes. They might build bridges, windmills, inner city housing, or next to nothing.