03-09-2021, 04:18 PM
Probably overhandling the port a little bit this week. Sold a covered call in PEP and MRK. I planned to trim Pharma a bit and MRK is getting boring if I'm honest. That's a poor reason to trim MRK but something had to go to get my sector allocations a touch less defensive. Sold a little QQQ-SOXX-AVGO. I couldn't lay off the big dip and went considerably over budget on my $2500 monthly budget. I mean my income basket is good for the loan payments lol, but it won't be any fun if I can't buy anything next month, and the growth port is supposed to be fun. I want to stick mostly to the plan as it forces a little discipline. I wouldn't have done it but I bought the tech lows yesterday and top today was too tempting. I own more so it's very OK if they run much higher on me.