12-15-2020, 11:19 AM
(12-15-2020, 10:39 AM)divmenow Wrote: Sold my BA position and put it all into LMT. I feel safer with that dividend lol
Added to CVS
I like that move. BA run was a gift a year ahead of schedule and LMT prints money for the next decade even if the defense budget were trimmed.
Sold a new PFE put. Got called out of a few hundred shares a couple bucks higher recently. Sold my VTRS spin off shares today. That might actually be a decent income stock but I have too many positions.
Sold a CVS put. Same deal as PFE, IMO the downside risk is capped with Covid.
Sold another MSFT put. I am pushing my luck being way deep in MSFT soon if it dips hard but I am comfortable enough with that outcome.