(12-09-2020, 01:02 PM)kblake Wrote: Looks like the teach bubble is finally starting to pop lol
While all you guys were buying those high flyers like CRWD, TWLO and U
I hopped in on XON, LOW, T and those beaten down names. Its paying off at least for today lol
Added a few more BAX this morning
I am about to trim T if it keeps running. It's been a good one this quarter. Income and capital gain.
I sold a put in BMY and DG. Added a few more shares of XEL and started a position in SWKS for the growthy port. Just one share. Hoping tech gets hit some soon but not holding my breath.
DASH has launched. Three hours old and over half the market CAP of MCD. SBUX is the only other restaurant stock with a higher CAP. Seems legit.
Not suggesting it's exactly the same market wide, but the gambling has now entered the zone of Tech bubble 2000. People are going to get wrecked again. It's going to be just as brutal.