(12-07-2020, 11:56 PM)EricL Wrote: Just had our bi-monthly investor club meeting.I have fond memories of my early days in an investment club. Unfortunately after a few years it became like most clubs where one or two did all the work and you had to pester people to make even a tiny monthly investment or show up for a meeting. They missed out as we were paying 25 bucks a share for future Aristocrats and learning to invest.
We decided to sell our GIS and THO to open new positions in TWLO, PLTR, and CRWD and we are also making add-on purchases in ETSY and BA.
Added a few more shares of VSTO and continue to build a position before spring. Sold 20% of my PFE and have a few more covered calls sold. I've literally held PFE for 25 years. Apologies for being nothing but a swing trader. I should learn to be more patient. My wife has a small ROTH IRA account that is 100% PFE and dripping for decades. I don't even have the online password for the account anymore lol. I should probably dump those shares sometime soon.