(11-18-2020, 08:09 PM)fenders53 Wrote: I am just chattering about LOW and HD, because I spend 25+HRs a week there and most of us own shares. Working retail has just been very odd through all this. A lot of customers flat told me they crossed the bridge from IL just to hang out at HD, because they were bored with the lockdown and needed a project, and we were open. It was the slowest time of year and sales literally doubled and never slowed up until very lately. "Christmas" at LOW and HD is in May-June, but the holidays aren't bad of course. Building materials are interesting now. Lumber is the lowest margin product in the store, but a basic 2x4 is 400% normal cost right now. I also own the largest lumber supplier. Weyerhouser. Somebody is making margin on a ten dollar 2x4 lol. The price gouging will kill demand and it will be back to normal soon. A lot of my pro customers just rescheduled construction jobs that require lumber like garage builds to next spring. Practically nobody is paying double on a discretionary upgrade job you already bid when our shelves were bare. Lumber is like watching gold trade lol.Very interesting. I have been wanting to get a rack to organize some stuff in my garage. May be I should buy low aswell and go to lows rather than HD for shopping lol
Anyway I intend to grab some LOW shares soon.
On a different note: I bought 10 each of wkhs, hyln, nvta as pure speculation play. Let's see if any of these companies survive and deliver anything over next 5 years.