(11-16-2020, 01:26 PM)stockguru Wrote:Be a little more careful than I was. OMG I accidentally sold a six put, because I sell puts every damn day. Cost me $20 to correct that fast.(11-16-2020, 01:23 PM)divmenow Wrote: Also bought a DEC $16 put in CCL.
What else can I add lol
Maybe some T lol
I may to get on this action. Feels like I'm at the crap table lol
Those $28 puts in T are interesting
CCL I will try my luck there as well
Anyone got any more interesting names to short?
There will be more shorting opportunities in re-opening stocks these fools are running up. Go slow with it because we can't know how stupid they will get. And I'll buy us both a drink if you'll bring me one on your way back to the craps table. We'll need to be drunk to short this market LMAO. I'll grab a few more soon but not today. I only have a couple SIX puts open for now. It's easy money, just like Kroger.

Stay away from shorting anything likely to get a stimulus bailout. Half the airlines are worthless for a year or two but don't do it lol. They will run again some month soon.