08-28-2020, 12:41 PM
Got lucky with a few spec plays in ROKU, FSLY and GNRC. Playing a little conservative until we get a pullback. Just sold a short-term DLTR put with a very nice premium. Another TLT put as well. Have next to no bond exposure so OK with getting exercised at a better price than today. An HRL put as well since KO ran a little and need a conservative replacement.
When I joined this forum I started an income basket for my age 60-61 days when some of my pensions have not kicked in yet. Goal was $100K funded strictly with DIVs and 40% of my option sale premiums. That money is sent to an ultra boring/ ultra short-term bond fund. I am $3100 short of goal with 25 months til I need it. After that I can buy higher growth stuff with my weekly/monthly income for a few years. I am all about the basket strategy.
When I joined this forum I started an income basket for my age 60-61 days when some of my pensions have not kicked in yet. Goal was $100K funded strictly with DIVs and 40% of my option sale premiums. That money is sent to an ultra boring/ ultra short-term bond fund. I am $3100 short of goal with 25 months til I need it. After that I can buy higher growth stuff with my weekly/monthly income for a few years. I am all about the basket strategy.