(07-28-2020, 09:31 AM)divmenow Wrote:The market just reacts to headlines. We are smarter than that here for our core holdings at the minimum. I have been shaking my head for four months as MMM keeps bouncing. I still see fools hyping them on N-95 mask sales. Sure they are selling millions but it's one of thousands of SKUs and it's very low margin because they aren't price gouging. Great company long-term but I sure wouldn't chase them. There are a lot of steady companies I'd like to buy but the market is delusional on near-term prospects. HON is heavily dependent on commercial aviation. I'll wait to add. Years away from any earnings growth at all most likely. I'll be shocked if unemployment doesn't head back up some very soon.(07-28-2020, 08:27 AM)fenders53 Wrote: Hold that thought on Gold and Silver. You weren't wrong to avoid it the past few weeks. We got lucky and it broke out FINALLY. It will consolidate soon enough. I do happen to believe it is VERY crash resistant for the foreseeable future. At some point silver gets sketchy as it's an industrial metal and the market can be flooded with physical silver. You know the miners are digging as fast as they can nI think gold and Silver and the stay at home stocks are the place to be heading into 2021. I already own KL, AEM, GOLD, WPM, NEM and GLD. So I'm in gold pretty heavy. However if we do get a pullback I will add.
Look at MMM. That should give you a indication of what stocks will look like going forward. No guidance, and gloom on the outlook.
MO is a also a good place to hide. Tech too pricey but a good add on significant pullback.
The most boring div stocks with safe Divs will get more and more attractive as this proceeds. The yield I get on my cash drops literally every few weeks. Retirees that don't pay enough attention to account statements will be inclined to join us soon enough. There really is no decent alternative with bond yields so low. I generate tons of income monthly, but it's complicated.