04-29-2020, 09:10 AM
Cumulatively, all the new stuff I've added has run up 8.2% in roughly a week. This market is drunk.
Would be nice to see another pullback to add some yield on things that ran real fast, but who knows. Only options I'm still sitting on are December GLD 150 Puts. Should be profitable if GLD dips back under 156 in the coming weeks, in which case I will sell and redeploy those funds into equities. It seems to me that gold is at a near-term peak. If the market continues to run, FOMO should drive it down in favor of equities. If the market makes a plunge, gold usually takes an initial hit as it is sold to raise cash. With GDP down 5% on an annualized basis and 20%+ unemployment, don't really see inflation driving its price in the near-term.
Would be nice to see another pullback to add some yield on things that ran real fast, but who knows. Only options I'm still sitting on are December GLD 150 Puts. Should be profitable if GLD dips back under 156 in the coming weeks, in which case I will sell and redeploy those funds into equities. It seems to me that gold is at a near-term peak. If the market continues to run, FOMO should drive it down in favor of equities. If the market makes a plunge, gold usually takes an initial hit as it is sold to raise cash. With GDP down 5% on an annualized basis and 20%+ unemployment, don't really see inflation driving its price in the near-term.