04-17-2020, 04:12 AM
(04-16-2020, 09:18 PM)stockguru Wrote:Ha, I wish I had paid only $30 for DAL. I'm sure I paid well above 40 for my initial shares. I had intended to hold it for years. Now I don't know. I've done OK with DAL options and got my basis done some, I am nowhere close to even and it will remain risky for a long time. I hit this crash owning a decent sized position in DAL,CBRL,FUN, WELL, plus oil and life insurance. Looked pretty harmless until all of those industries became toxic at the same time. Diversification doesn't work so well when you're getting hammered 60% in multiple industries.(04-16-2020, 08:49 PM)fenders53 Wrote:I wont ever buy SKT. Who's that user on here who bought it seemed like ike every day when it was at $14-18 a share? Those pooled shares.... I haven't heard anything since it dropped to $6(04-16-2020, 06:29 PM)stockguru Wrote:I can't even believe you said that Guru. I bought the dip like my wife and daughter at a 50% off shoe sale with a stolen credit card. Then I hid in the closet scared for weeks waiting for the big dip that hasn't happened yet lol. I've been trimming almost daily since on the pop and I'll call myself 10% too much in cash now. We'll just have to wait and see if that was a good idea or not.(04-16-2020, 05:24 PM)divmenow Wrote: Get ready for a big big up day tomorrow. See ya shorts lol
I don’t know why but I’m tempted to buy SPG. Don’t laugh lol ?
Yeah I see the futures are way up. SPG is a nice choice. If they can hold onto that dividend the stock should see $75-80
GILD up $12 AH. I'm loving that
Fenders better start buying. He's missed a big run while sitting on the sidelines
You should mortgage your houses and buy a bunch of mall REITS. Load up on SKT, airlines, cruise ships and oil too. That can't go any lower.
Ummm I think you bought DAL at $30. As least I'm still ahead
The only money I'm spending on cruise ships is a vacation in 2 years once this crap clears lol. OXY is all i had and I sold out at $15 last week. Was a nice pop from $11-15. Maybe I will do it again
The only reits I own are O, CCI, DLR, QTS, and EQIX. Mall Reits and office reits will have a tough time collecting rent and keeping tenants. If SPG got cheap enough I will buy. But its up $8 after hours so will wait.
I'm lucky I always own a ton of UTEs and pharma or I would have been destroyed. It was bad enough as it is. I averaged down on most everything and luckily caught the bottom on about four restaurants and some industrials for a trade. My portfolio is pretty boring now. I trim and add some with the volatility. I do try to stay invested DGI and normally don't trade much unless an option forces it occasionally. That happens some on a huge up or down move. The monthly income is way better than dividends so I have to deal with the downside a few times a year. The fact I have been able to trade utilities multiple times in under a month is NOT normal. I have a few stocks I'd like to add but it won't happen without a pullback. I missed my chance and and I try not to force trades of any real size. I am too close to full retirement to not keep some cash around. I have to be able to buy a hard crash if there is another.
SPG should be fine down here. I had no interest in it at pre-crash valuations. Most of the folks here with 50+ stock ports have owned SKT at one time or another. Can't win them all. I owned some briefly around $20 and managed to get out about even. I'm not looking for more risk for my port at this time.