(03-24-2020, 03:34 PM)divmenow Wrote:Don't be trying to lure me into your overpriced railroads two days late so you can leave me holding the bag.(03-24-2020, 01:29 PM)fenders53 Wrote: Railroads just now caught my eye. There is some more quality on a nasty pullback. I need to put a second mortgage on my house tomorrow lol.
You should have bought them yesterday
Keeping cash on the sidelines was a bad idea at least for today lol
But UNP and NSC still is a good buy even at these levels
Even with the run-up there are still some bargains to be had. Tomorrow they can be bigger bargains or off to the races. Its a surprise every day I look
LMT, NOC, GD, VZ, PII, PSX, AAP, MMM, BEN, HII, HON, STOR, BMY, ABBV, CVS, PEP. BEP, BIP, MO, EXC and D. Just some names I'm throwing out your way lol
I own 2/3rds of the tickers you posted, so quit stealing my ideas lol. I trimmed about 10 tickers right at the close, because I've seen this movie before. I own 45 stocks now. I don't know how that happened lol. Most of them are down at least a little so I'm stuck with too many stocks for now. I want to tiptoe back to my UTE bomb shelter but I got caught with little cash. Exactly why I sold some at the close. We will probably be up some one more day though when the mother of all stimulus plans is approved. We'll see.