02-12-2019, 06:10 PM
(02-12-2019, 05:42 PM)stockguru Wrote: All these oil stocks currently pay over a 3% yield. I did some calculations. To me OIL stocks represent the best values in the market. Below is with only 15k invested.
Symbol div shares bought (50) Dividend payout per year
RDS .94 50 shares cost $3150 ($188 in dividend payout per year)
TOT .72 50 shares cost $2700 ($144 in dividend payout per year)
OXY .78 50 shares cost $3200 ($156 in dividend payout per year)
XOM .82 50 shares cost $3700 ($164 in dividend payout per year)
CNQ .335 50 shares cost $1300 ($67 in dividend payout per year)
SU - .36 50 shares cost $1600 ($72 in dividend payout per year)
Total dividends from about 6 stocks per year $791
$15,650 cost for all 6 stocks to buy at 50 shares each (in 20 years of dividends will make up costs of stocks) $15,820 in dividends if you hold for 20 years. This does not include dividend raises.
Unsolicited advice alert:
On that list I like RDS and XOM as long-term holdings. I also like CVX, which is not on the list. Oil/gas can be a volatile sector, just like many other commodities, and the lows can last a lot longer than you may think. Oil stocks were a great buy in the mid 1980s, but price recovery in the sector didn't occur until nearly fifteen years later. Then they went on a tear for nearly a decade before hitting the 2008 highs and staying historically high through 2013.
I think some companies in the sector represent decent value at the moment, but I don't like to ever have too much of my portfolio allocated to oil/gas stocks. They have their own narrative and there's hardly anyone on Earth who can predict it with any certainty. The shale boom of the past decade is just the latest in the industry's long history of sudden, disruptive, and unexpected changes. Shame about all those deep-sea drillers that spent billions manufacturing MODUs and drillships, then went bankrupt, or are a pale shadow of their former selves. Pick the biggest players in the industry that have robust upstream and downstream operations, a long history of successfully rewarding shareholders through good times and bad, and don't put too much of your portfolio in that basket.