(12-12-2018, 02:32 PM)divmenow Wrote: So your falling for that AMZN news as well are you lol. UPS is just fine. Its been a buy every time its reached these levels. Just think back when all those auto part companies hit new lows because god for bid Amazon was going to get into the auto parts business. Well all those companies have since hit new highs. This is another of those over reaction times. I'm making conversation too LOLLongterm I agree (read that a few quarters from now.) UPS is very well run. I am going out to eat with one of my best buds tomorrow. He just retired as a UPS driver and I try to squeeze him for insider info before earnings lol. He does call around but all he really knows is local trends. He bought UPS shares for years pre-IPO. That wasn't a half bad move. He made a not so small fortune fortune overnight when they went public. To me anyways, making $250K on one stock would quite noticeably affect my retirement income.
While I have no doubt AMZN is causing trouble again, the activity in FDX stock causes me more concern. Maybe nothing is up, and no I don't think UPS is headed for $50 even if the quarter is horrible. In the end those two rule the space. Even AMZN is a smallish player right now. AMZN can just pick a few major cities to cause trouble in, and I'm sure they probably have because disrupting is what Bezos does. FDX and UPS really have no choice but give some price concessions in certain areas. They'd be insane not to as long as they stay acceptably profitable, short-term margins be damned.