(11-28-2018, 01:34 PM)divmenow Wrote: So you expect to buy D and AEP at a lower price? I actually added more D today under $73. If interest rates go lower this sector will sore. With the news today from Powell utilities should do very well going forward.
I don't expect to, but I hope to at some point. Nothing goes straight up so eventually I will be assigned which is the plan as I get in at a discount when that happens. I regularly sell contracts fairly close to "in the money" on about 4 utes I wish to to own. Utes have been creeping up for months so the last dozen times the contracts just expire worthless. The premium is often 3 times the dividend rate so I call it a win and write another contract. If I sell the puts on a down day it works out great, but those have been infrequent lately. I've been trying to buy SO for about 3 months. I've already collected over a years worth of DIV income via premiums so I'll keep playing til I win some shares. Just started with AEP. About $265 put income collected the past few weeks. (I want 200 shares) I'll get some $75 shares or not, but I won't go broke trying. I'll do it again in a month or so if necessary.