(10-24-2018, 03:01 PM)vbin Wrote: Nasdaq is down 10% this month. Last time it was down 11% in November 2008
Is it OK to cry some stock market tears among forum friends? I've been pretty fortunate through most of this actually, but quite a few of my stocks have been hammered bad the past few days. Today was particularly painful. ATT and UPS earnings started my day of wrong. I own a lot of ATT or a couple bucks down would matter. I am really regretting my recent oil plays. I am OK with owning CVX, XOM and MRO but my timing could not have been worse. I caught the top and then oil prices dropped immediately. I'll be staring at those losses for a long time. I won't sell anything, but I won't lie it's tempting to move the funds to something in another sector with more promise in the near term. I was lucky enough to have cash to average down in a lot of positions. We'll see if I did it too soon in the near future. I knew it was not a good time to jump into falling chip stocks. I got that small thing right. If AMZN or APPL miss earnings I am going to shut the computer off.
Everyone hang in there. There will be more months like this but hopefully not this year.