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What I Am Buying Today.
I was feeling like taking a gamble today, so I added some IIPR.
The tenant bankruptcies are definitely worrying, and who knows how long the pain from those lasts or how bad it gets... but if they survive this without cutting the dividend then it's a pretty good time to be buying.
Had sold some MTB on the pop. Started buying back.
Sold out of my positions in D, MKC, QCOM, and TGT.

Bought new positions in AMT, NXPI, and SCHD and added to my position in OZK.
My website: DGI For The DIY
Also on: Facebook - Twitter - Seeking Alpha
i trimmed NVDA--MSFT--SHOP

zero buys

taking some profit off the top and will re-deploy later
Sold DG and took the $9 pop where I get in. Will look to get back in cheaper

Put proceeds in EXR, GOOG, BMY and MRK
My wife said to buy ULTA and ELF so did Wink
New positions in BMY and EXR

Added to O

Waiting for the market to implode tomorrow Smile
Added CNI, TSCO and DHR

New positions in UNH and HUM after hours on sale. Just a small position for now
Added UNH and HUM
Sold ovv added more cvs
Added CVS and CI and new position in HUM

Trimmed some UTES on the pop
CI, UNH and new position in BHVN (Nice pipeline)

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