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Please Don't Vomit
This was on Marketwatch. I read it and thought it was a complete piece of bullshit for investors willing to do a little work. Maybe it's appropriate for all the pinheads (and there are a lot of them) that can't even spell 'dividend' but for us smarter, above-average Joes here ... well, read it and see:

Quote:It's possible to successfully pick stocks, says Nobel Prize winner and Yale economist Robert Shiller in a new interview, but like any game, it's competitive and hard — and best left alone by most.

Shiller himself favors value investing, buying the stocks of "boring" companies whose valuations seem temporarily depressed. Nevertheless, he admits that he doesn't know his own track record as an investor, and he personally advises hiring an investment adviser as a first step.

In a wide-ranging discussion of housing, bubbles and market psychology , it's interesting to note that Shiller's views of stock picking closely echo those of Charley Ellis, author of the investment classic Winning the Loser's Game , a book that grew out of a 1975 financial journal article that set the intellectual stage for a generation of passive investing theory.

In the book, Ellis compares investing to tennis. Unless you play at the level of a top-seed pro, Ellis contends, you're much better off just trying to avoid mistakes. Retirement investors, he says, should not even attempt to compete against "hardball" pro money managers .

Shiller compares investing to a somewhat more cerebral but no less competitive sport — tournament chess. A trained chess player, Shiller explains, at least knows that he has a shot. A novice player walking in off the street doesn't belong at the table.

"For most people, trying to pick among major investments might be a mistake because it's an overpopulated market. It's hard," Shiller said. "You have to be realistic about how savvy you are."

Ego marketing

The illusion that you can and should be out there in the markets, running with the big dogs, is a powerful marketing tool. Wall Street constantly plays to our egos with tantalizing visions of exorbitant profits at the click of a mouse.

The secondary pitch from the financial industry plays not to ego but fear. What if the market declines again? Or some external event — war, inflation, currency collapse, and so on — changes the rules of the investment game itself?

The end is always near, it seems, yet the results for individual investors paint a completely different picture. Market research firm Dalbar looked at two decades of retail investor behavior and concluded that the cost of going it alone is steep indeed: The average equity mutual fund investor lagged behind the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index by 3.96% on an annualized basis, while average fixed-income investor lagged behind the Barclays Aggregate Bond Index by 5.36%

"But, but," you might argue, "I'm not average!" Frankly, you'd be lucky to be average. When small investors seek trouble, they usually find it. You might be able to rack up a few years of returns above the benchmarks, but memory is selective. If even Robert Shiller isn't sure of his real investment performance, chances are you aren't either.

Are you counting the year you liquidated those dot-com holdings that never recovered? The year you sat in cash for eight months and missed a double-digit run in stocks?

You know perfectly well how much money you have saved over the years. Online calculators aren't hard to find. Did you compound that money successfully, taking into account every year and every investment and all the fees you paid and continue to pay?

The real cost

Here's what underperformance really costs: A 60/40 stock-and-bond split had a weighted average return of 7.46% over the 20 years ending in 2012, according to Dalbar's numbers. The typical retail investor experienced a weighted return of just 2.94% — well below long-term inflation.

Pretty big gap, right? But consider the effect of compounding. Invest $10,000 and add $10,000 a year for 30 years and you end up at $1,213,943 in a weighted, market-return portfolio. The typical retail investor, however, came in at $505,962.

Over three decades, inflation will ensure that even a half-million won't spend like it used to. It doesn't take a Nobel Prize to understand the pain such a gap represents.

What should you do as a retirement investor? First and foremost, know thyself. Battle through the ego-driven marketing blizzard and come to grips with your real investing skills.

In time, Shiller's other piece of advice — hire an adviser — will begin to resonate.

“While the dividend itself is merely a rearrangement of equity, over time it's more like owning an apple tree. The tree grows the apples back again and again and again, and the theoretical value of the tree doesn't change just because of when the apples are about to fall.” - earthtodan

Yeah, that's pretty awful. Strawman after generalization after myth.

My favorite line is that the "typical retail investor experienced a weighted return of just 2.94% — well below long-term inflation." I'd love to know what they consider "typical."
I think the typical individual investor is a trader. The pros have all the advantages when you trade, so I am not surprised by these statements.

The only way to be a successful individual investor is to be a long term investor with a plan. That is one of the strengths of dividend growth investing.
It is my belief that the "typical retail investor" is not that savvy with investments. I am simply amazed at the ignorance around my office when people are talking about the stock market. Many are scared to invest because it's all a big scam for the banks to take our money. Others treat investing like gambling and are hoping for that big payoff that will make them rich.

Very few (maybe none) are actually buying high quality companies at decent prices and holding for the long term.

I follow the dividend growth strategy. I haven't had to sell a stock for the past 2 years. I'm doing a few percentage points better than the S&P 500 benchmark and way better than the quoted 2.94% average return of "typical retail investors."

However, with that being said, I love dividend investing. I love researching companies, reading about companies and investing and writing about investing at my own site ( I'm not the "typical retail investor" because investing is my hobby and I'm willing to put in some time necessary to be successful. For others that won't do this, I would probably suggest exactly what the article is suggesting and point them towards a couple index ETF's. However, I do believe that with a little effort and the right strategy (dividend growth), we retail investors can do quite well investing.

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