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Call for Moderators!
As discussed in another thread, we could definitely use a Mod or two for the site, to help keep things running smoothly. I don't think it is a heavy lift, mostly registration-related stuff and taking down the occasional spam, etc.

Any nominations? Volunteers? Other ideas?

If you'd prefer not to nominate or volunteer publicly, feel free to message me directly.

I'll do some nominating. I wish I had the tech skills because I am here a lot. Eric would be great, Divmenow has the skills and I think you should talk to him about tightening up security to make it easier to deflect spam. Crimson would be good too as he is on the other side of the world and might be able to check on the place while you are sleeping.
Nominations: Fenders, Eric, Divmenow. Though honestly I'd be happy to see any of the regulars here have mod powers. If the new member registrations will be kept so that they will need to be manually accepted, then I think the more the merrier so those new members can get activated fast. 24h waiting time should be the absolute maximum.

A special note to fenders: I really don't think tech skills are necessary for a mod position. Deleting spam, banning members etc should be just a click or two away, unless this forum runs on some software from the 1960's. Same for accepting new members, shouldn't be more than a click. You practically sleep here and you have all the right qualities, you would be a great fit.

Don't worry my friend, there is no big red self destruct button that you will accidentally click and destroy the whole forum. Big Grin Or is there??

I'm also ok with taking a mod position, if that is what the members want.
I am sure you are right. You probably have to be in an administrator role to wreck the place.
I'm sure we can make one of those big red buttons for you though. Just to keep you on your toes. Big Grin
(07-28-2021, 03:25 AM)crimsonghost747 Wrote: I'm sure we can make one of those big red buttons for you though. Just to keep you on your toes. Big Grin
As long as Divmenow and I can ban each other I'm good.  He has deserved the ban hammer for a long time now  Smile

Seriously though most of the regulars check the site at least a few times per day when the market is open.  We just need more than one moderator.
I'd be willing to be a moderator, and agree that having a few others would be a good idea as well.

I check in pretty frequently, but get busy sometimes where it can be a day or two in between.
My website: DGI For The DIY
Also on: Facebook - Twitter - Seeking Alpha
I'm back from vacation. Damn sure seems like I missed a lot lol. Since the wifi at the hotel we stayed out was weak all I could do is read a few things and it took forever lol

Glad Kerim is doing well, and great to have our leader back Smile

If you want to nominate me that's cool. I'm pretty much on here all day since I work from home. I live on the computer. Fenders although a pain in the a$$ he's a great guy for the position as well Wink

And if you need getting this site secure and changing it over to https just let me know.
(07-28-2021, 09:58 AM)divmenow Wrote: I'm back from vacation. Damn sure seems like I missed a lot lol.  Since the wifi at the hotel we stayed out was weak all I could do is read a few things and it took forever lol

Glad Kerim is doing well, and great to have our leader back Smile

If you want to nominate me that's cool. I'm pretty much on here all day since I work from home. I live on the computer. Fenders although a pain in the a$$ he's a great guy for the position as well Wink

And if you need getting this site secure and changing it over to https just let me know.

That needs to happen.  I suspect 75% of Kerim's trouble is because he is running 15yr old tech.  I hang out on a few huge forums.  Admins do have to deal with hacker shenanigans now and then but registering was a simple process very long ago.
Thanks everyone! And I agree about updating some of the site tech / security. Maybe once we've got the mods up and running we can start a side thread about that.

Sounds like it makes sense to have Eric, divemenow, and Crimson as our founding Mods -- I appreciate your willingness to do it!

I'm doing a quick overnight trip to Boston tomorrow, returning mid-day Friday. I'll try to do the Mod access before I go, and I'll let you know if I hit any hiccups.
Great choices, and have a nice stay in Boston. There's this French restaurant near the Prudential Center that I think is the best in the city, but the name escapes me.
Ok, Eric, divemenow, and Crimson have all been designated as Super Moderators! This (apparently) has more permissions than a regular "Moderator."

But here's the twist: I didn't see any setting or option that specifically notes that such moderators can (or can't) activate new accounts. Interestingly, the next level up is the highest level of access (I think) -- "Administrator" -- and it also has no obvious settings or notes about account activation.

Soooo, no hurry at all, but when any of you three get a chance, can you please log in and see whether the change I made allows you additional Super Moderator access? And then can you please let me know if you are able to see the list of "accounts awaiting activation" anywhere, and if so, if you (now) have the ability to activate them? (Though please note that of the accounts currently awaiting activation, I assume most are spammers (and they haven't emailed me as requested in the registration instructions). So if you are able to activate accounts, excellent, but until we get the process sorted, please try to only activate accounts that you know that the account is a real person interested in the forum.)

Thanks yet again!

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