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What are your winners & losers today?
What if does when the market moves big is what is important. Well you should be comfortable with it anyway. I am sure you outperformed last year leveraged up to the Nasdaq. Just try not to give it all back.
Drinks are on me!

What a day. Every single fund in my ROTH was green today. In the depths of despair yesterday, I closed out LABU and put all the proceeds into NAIL, and it did not disappoint, leading the way with a 5.9% gain today. Overall, the ROTH IRA account was up 3.82%.

Meanwhile, over in the taxable account, defense tripler DFEN led the way with a 4.5% gain. The top stock was RIO. Nearly every equity was green as well here; just 1 neutral stock and 6 in the red. So AT&T was the day's loser, down a mere 0.77%. Overall, the taxable account was up 1.82% today.

Now just $3k from my all-time high.
Good for you! GNRC and NKE were my biggest winners up 3-4%. Nothing down enough to worry about. Near a new ATH but maybe not. Some of my stuff doesn't upgrade quickly because it doesn't trade much volume.
Nice; 3% for a non-tripler is impressive. I also see that GNRC tripled over the last year, and in the last 5 years ... let me compute this ... 9.28 times! Wow!!!! Quite the stock.
The sad thing about GNRC is I have owned their products for 15 years. I should have seen the home generator thing building momentum years before I owned shares. Since my port doesn't move enough to be interesting I will post my daily income. Doesn't include dividends which I can post monthly.

Today's income $390.
Dividend growth portfolio: Up 0.58% today.
Tech heavy trading portfolio: Down 4.19% today.
My website: DGI For The DIY
Also on: Facebook - Twitter - Seeking Alpha
The best thing I can say about today is that it's over. I'm back to where I was on Thursday of last week at 3 pm, before the surge started.

Taxable account
XEL was the winner.
SOXL was the loser.

Newcomer BDRY was the winner.
Newcomer TTD was the loser.

Let's hope sanity is restored in the rest of the week.
UTEs were my biggest winners today. Metals and a few more of the defensives did well. Wasn't enough to completely save me as my chips, QQQ, GNRC and ARKG got slammed. Once my index mutual funds update I will be down 0.6-0.7% for the day. When I get done gradually adjusting my port for some more growth, the market won't be so gentle on down days.
I ended on the plus side for the day. Just have to know how to play the gam lol

Big winner was MED up $16
Loser was MA. But I’m fine with that. The more down she goes I may add

Thank god I don’t own any tech 3 x funds. Taking those to the wood shed lol. It’s been a long time since the shorts won. About time there shinning ?. They are relentless now. Not many individuals are selling. It’s all institutional. When there done the upside will be huge. I will put my list tonight and add a few tech here and there like MA, AVGO, NOW ect. It will be the leaders only. Not fooling around with the 3rd and 4th tier crap lol
(05-10-2021, 05:28 PM)divmenow Wrote: I ended on the plus side for the day. Just have to know how to play the gam lol  

Big winner was MED up $16
Loser was MA. But I’m fine with that. The more down she goes I may add

Thank god I don’t own any tech 3 x funds. Taking those to the wood shed lol. It’s been a long time since the shorts won. About time there shinning ?. They are relentless now.  Not many individuals are selling. It’s all institutional. When there done the upside will be huge. I will put my list tonight and add a few tech here and there like MA, AVGO, NOW ect. It will be the leaders only. Not fooling around with the 3rd and 4th tier crap lol
Glad you got lucky today.  A blind hog finds an acorn now and then.  And I'm calling a 15YD penalty on you for taunting Ken when you know he got beat up some.  Big Grin  

We've learned that 3rd and 4th tier lesson the hard way lol.  Some random ETF throws in the towel and panic can set in that doesn't end for weeks.  If it was selling for $50 in JAN when it was really only worth $15 then $22 is no bargain.  $10 can happen and it's OK to average in on the way up if it's truly a decent company.  That said I will will nibble a few shares as I plan to take my time building some of my spec positions.  Solar is a good example.  The narrative is intact and a select few are performing well (the company, not the stock necessarily).

Almost forgot, VSTO went up again today.  Market figured out it's not spec anymore.  I have 9 open VSTO options, time to take some profits and not be greedy.
Sunrun RUN was Tuesday's winner, UTEs took the big "L". My port is down a full percent this week. Is there somewhere I can apply for government assistance to make me whole again? Smile
(05-12-2021, 07:00 AM)fenders53 Wrote: Sunrun RUN was Tuesday's winner, UTEs took the big "L".  My port is down a full percent this week.  Is there somewhere I can apply for government assistance to make me whole again?  Smile

Here's what you do.  Go to your HD store and steal all the lumber.  Hid it.  You go to prison for about 10 years.  With the way lumber prices are going, when you get out, you sell that lumber for $1 billion.

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