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DGI and rising interest rates
Unless I missed it I'm surprised this isn't a hot topic. Lots of chatter both pro and con regarding the contemplated Fed rate hike.

I've always thought it was needed for two reasons. First, just to get the financial world off the fence ("is it going to happen of isn't it?")

And second, to give the Fed a little ammo to fight disasters if they need it.

But getting back to us....

Do we think there will be an exodus to bonds from dividend stocks? I personally wouldn't. Why lose the stock appreciation for bond safety?

On another thread/site some debated the effect on REITs and other sectors. Any thoughts?

Are you making any adjustments?

Like I always used to say during military exercises, "this too shall a kidney stone....but it shall pass." :-)

Hope you all have a Happy Veterans Day tomorrow...and a big thank you to our Vets and their families.


There are people who use up their entire lives making money so they can enjoy the lives they have entirely used up
Frederick Buechner

Messages In This Thread
DGI and rising interest rates - by Robandcindy2 - 11-10-2015, 09:36 AM

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