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New Guy
Wow. Incredible reply. Thank you for your response.

I will certainly introduce myself after this reply.

I currently have no plan to reduce my contributions to my tax-deferred funds. I have a matching program (I am self employed), so I get to pay myself twice. I utilize a SIMPLE IRA as well as a traditional IRA. I utilize my tax deterrence to lower my AGI and reduce my tax burden in my business with the maximum match. I would utilize a SEP, but I like dollar-cost averaging, rather than lump sump contributions.

My investments in a separate, taxable set of stocks would be whatever money I have left in the budget. The plan for me would be to fill the gap between my potential forced retirement in 10-12 years and then the few years between that and my ability to draw from my IRAs, then eventually SS. It doesn't have to be a tremendous amount of money, as my expenses will be very low by then (mortgage paid, kids out of the house, etc).

I might consider taking my contributions from my traditional IRA and using them in a taxable portfolio, but I'm not going to stop contributing until I have a solid plan in place.

What actually got me started on this DGI path was liquidity (as is access), rather than a performance boost. I am not interested in getting rich quick. Well, I'm interested in getting rich quick, but not through the market. If anybody has a big wad a of cash they need to get rid of, I'll take it.

Weighting and exposure will get pretty wonky because I'm both using funds and individual stocks. So any advice on that front would be interesting as well. Your comment about the zero-sum game is interesting, although it seems somewhat black/white. I cannot control the cycles of the market, nor is it a huge concern for me. Because I am averaging both up and down with the market, only massive swings will set me back really far. The biggest concern is fees and loads, which I manage to tame recently with low cost/ no load funds. Since I'm not locked into some other company's crappy 401k system, I get to use Vanguard, which is helpful.

One additional, and not insignificant, bonus to DGI and fundamental investing in general seems to be a lot of information that could help me make decisions in fund investing. There is a lot for me to like about analysis of other companies and the decisions that fund managers make (or don't).

I'm headed off to introduce myself now.

Messages In This Thread
New Guy - by simple_is_rich - 12-19-2014, 01:17 PM
RE: New Guy - by Dividend Watcher - 12-19-2014, 03:24 PM
RE: New Guy - by simple_is_rich - 12-20-2014, 01:05 AM
RE: New Guy - by Kerim - 12-20-2014, 08:41 AM

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