(03-15-2022, 03:35 PM)stockguru Wrote:LOL. I have sold RACE puts occasionally over the years. The stock ran during COVID and I left it alone. Finally pulled back. They have good financials (imagine that), so I would hold shares if I got assigned, but it's never happened yet. It's about a year wait to buy a Ferrari. They probably keep it that way on purpose.(03-15-2022, 01:29 PM)fenders53 Wrote: My port balance is stuck in a range but I did set a single day income record yesterday selling puts. Sold a few RACE puts today, because Ferrari is how I roll.They expire Friday though because I am not that brave.
I need to draw some income off this port in 6 weeks so the income generation is important now.
So your going to make like maybe $25 lol
You should have just rented one for the weekend and drove it around ti show off to your neighbors
I have been a car guy all my life. Really never that interested in much any luxury in my life, but yeah I wouldn't turn down a ride in a Ferrari. They are pretty cool. I should have started flipping RACE options earlier because a couple Benjamin's a week may not get it done?