(01-21-2022, 03:48 PM)cemanuel Wrote:If you are interested in guesses BMY will float around from 60-65 unless this market gets really rough. I trimmed but still own a lot. NVDA is a great company but far from cheap still so whether market capitulates for real or not will matter for that one.(01-21-2022, 06:22 AM)cemanuel Wrote: I plan to sell BMY from my Roth after the market opens. Both AMD and NVDA have reached my purchase price - or the price I had for them a little while back. But with the market charts looking like they do I'll sit on the cash for a bit and see where the prices go.
I'm also looking at selling the "growthier" MFs from my 403b, including a Nasdaq Index Fund. It's something I hate the thought of doing - and never have done - but I'll be converting it to stocks some time after 2/19/22 when I do the IRA rollover and right now I'm thinking cash will retain value better for the next month.
NOTE: I suck at selling. I've been thinking of selling the funds since Tuesday. As I'm waiting until today, chances are that as usual the barn door will shut after all the critters already escaped and Monday will see a market turnaround. ; Of course I haven't sold yet - this really goes against my grain, even for 30 days.
The Roth is TR, as the IRA will be. The taxable account is for dividends and this market action to me is meaningless there as I'm no longer buying new companies and like what I own in it, other than T.
To fill in what I did. Sold BMY at $64.59, bought NVDA at $234, my "one more share" price. I'm going to just keep holding the funds through the rollover. I do think they'll drop more but I don't think it'll be by all that much. Earnings start rolling in next week which I expect will mute the move down. So sure - tech will probably go down another 5% or so but I think there's a good chance that a month from now it'll have hit the bottom and be back to at least where it is today.
I sold my DG earlier in the day. Only up maybe 5-6% in six months but not a panic sell. I'll revisit DG on a dip. Added a couple shares of QQQ and 10 shares of MSFT which is enough to matter to me. Saved the rest of the new cash for next week. When the market gets skittish I always do a flight to quality. This time I smelled it coming and was able to close out riskier positions while they were up in NOV-DEC. Not pretending I ever get it perfect, but the only thing still in my port that makes me nervous is my solar and WAY too late to panic sell that. If it gets really stupid I can shut my computer off and go play outside. That was my Covid crash lesson. Don't get caught with 6-8 tickers I can be scared out of. Scared is not good investing. Still have some cash so we'll see what opportunities lie ahead.