(12-23-2021, 06:39 AM)cemanuel Wrote:(12-22-2021, 08:45 PM)ken-do-nim Wrote:(12-22-2021, 04:05 PM)cemanuel Wrote: OK - it's 4:00 p.m. Eastern, 1600 hours, 9:00 GMT - whatever time it is, I'M RETIRED!!!!
I'm now off to do whatever it is that retired people do. What is that?
Oh yeah - whatever the hell I want!
Now it's time you learned how to play D&D
There was a group in college that were obsessed with this - 40 years ago. I suspect they eventually died out. Why do I think this? Here comes a story . . .
At Cornell we lived in an old dorm, Clara Dickson, my first year. This was something called The Transfer Center for those of us poor slobs who couldn't afford four years there but did the first 2 someplace cheaper. This dorm was co-ed - by room. They were singles. Seeing the sign on the bathroom when I first walked in was an eye-opener but that's another story. However there were corner suites which were doubles - with an inner and outer room and their own bathroom. My next-year roommate Brian had one of these which was perfect for him. Just a very social person. It would have been wasted on me.
This suite happened to be right next to the TV Lounge. Every day at around 2 p.m. these D&D guys would take up space and start watching their shows. I don't know the details but at 3 p.m. it was Get Smart. So every day a little before 3 all these girls started to show up, wanting to watch General Hospital. These never-to-be-procreative guys would respond, "We were here first." Not sure how many GH aficionados are here but this was in the days of Luke and Laura, a wedding, an ice princess or something (how I know these things will soon be revealed).
So every day Brian - or I if he couldn't make it (his roommate was a secret D&D crowd sympathizer, I'm certain of it) threw the door to his room open and turned the volume up on his 13" TV a few minutes before 3. It wasn't long before we had a regular afternoon crowd of 20 or so young women in to watch GH while Brian and I played host - non-alcoholic except Fridays.
So when it comes to D&D, no thanks. I have seen where that path leads.
i use to watch General Hospital with my grandmother and i forget days of our lives or as the world turns with my other grandmother--just happened to be where i was at the moment--one house or the other
congratulations on your retirement!
our vet--dr. clifford cummings went to cornell--very good doc! better then some of my docs
and he wears a rolex lol