10-28-2021, 06:35 PM
Back on the main topic my progress towards my retirement allocation has been too slow. So far I didn't get the dip I wanted to buy a bunch of index funds. At some point that will happen and in the meantime I grab income selling options against the indexes. Lately they are running way too fast though. The original plan was to retire about 360 days from today. I could draw from my IRA in 180 days without penalty and retire then. I definitely don't want to draw much from my principal too soon. If I can demonstrate the ability to make enough income in five of the next six months without selling shares or touching my dividend income I may go for it. In the next couple years I am eligible for pensions that make this easy. I may be trading some age 60 income for some age 80 income if I have to dig into the IRA. I think I am OK with that.
To be honest I was prepared to work part-time at HD for years to kill some time. They have cut freight staff to meet earnings and now everyone is a mule. I wish I could still do that but I crawl home lately. Exterior doors and large windows are very heavy to stock on high shelves. Whatever I can't do my co-workers are stuck with.
To be honest I was prepared to work part-time at HD for years to kill some time. They have cut freight staff to meet earnings and now everyone is a mule. I wish I could still do that but I crawl home lately. Exterior doors and large windows are very heavy to stock on high shelves. Whatever I can't do my co-workers are stuck with.