09-21-2021, 11:30 PM
(09-17-2021, 07:33 AM)NilesMike Wrote:Not to count my chickens yet but second iteration of SPY and IWM puts expire WED-FRI. I am very close to in the money now. I think I will let them assign if that's how it goes. First options just didn't give up extrinsic value until a couple minutes before close. Anyway I may get back in 3% better off. There's a little blood I didn't spill. We'll see how it ends.(09-17-2021, 12:21 AM)fenders53 Wrote: Mike
Take a look at that IWM chart. It won't be hard to see where I am trying to enter. It's been annoying watching my long shares stuck in that channel so long but swing trading on the side has been about as easy as it gets. I definitely want all my long shares in soon. It will break out eventually.
I didn't mean to imply just buy now.
I meant to go all in when it suits you, i.e. puts assigned. Don't sell a portion and another and another at different times unless you never get assigned (a high class problem-LOL)
I'd like to do the same with QQQ soon but I'm not feeling 100 shares until FAANG gets a proper haircut lol.