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What are your portfolio allocation percentages?
This is an interesting project.

Years to retirement - Goal is 5, but I could say I am there now since I have my own practice and work from home and work as much or as little as I want. Though I don't have 100% of our expenses covered by passive income yet. On the other hand, this will be something I do until I die so you could make the argument that I will never retire.

Dividend Stocks - 92%

Growth Stocks (less than 1% dividend) - 2% though to get technical, it's probably closer to 20% as my two largest holdings (MSFT & AAPL) are both under 1%. Both were purchased when their yields were above 1% so I'm keeping them in the top group.

Mid to long term bonds - 0%. This will most likely go up in the next few years as I do need to add some bonds.

Cash - 6%. Since I am self employed and my income is very sporadic during the year, I keep a larger amount of cash on hand than I would if I was working for someone else.

Trading - 0%. Never had much luck with trading in the past and it's just too time consuming to deal with right now.

True Gambling - 0%. See above. Before kids and marriage, I would be known to bet on a baseball game, football game, basketball game, or throw some money on a potential high flyer stock. Now not enough time to put the time in capping a game or researching to find the diamond in the rough of the penny stocks.

Real Estate - 0% in rent houses. About 7% of my dividend stocks are REITS. I also own 42 acres of ranch land that isn't included in my passive income projections. And then, some are considering that MCD is basically becoming a REIT.

Conservative Option Income Strategy - 0% currently. No current options outstanding, but I will occasionally sell some puts and covered calls. When work is slower, I will do more of this. Right now, this is one of my busy times so selling options takes a break.

So I would say that mine is less complicated than yours. The older I get, the less complications I want in life. The easier the better.

Messages In This Thread
RE: What are your portfolio allocation percentages? - by ChadR - 08-28-2021, 12:15 PM
What are your portfolio allocation percentages? - by bankerboy - 09-12-2021, 01:22 PM

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