08-22-2021, 08:09 AM
(08-21-2021, 02:50 PM)rayray Wrote:I make less than that in dividends, but I can easily exceed that with some of my port selling options. I could alter the income by completely eliminating my cash position. I'm not comfortable with that move at these valuations a year before retirement. In the event we see a significant pullback n the next few years, then maybe that makes sense. I am actually inclined to have a bit higher allocation in stocks at age 70 than 60. The first few years will involve some planned purchases I that won't be repeated later. I want a few nice things like a newish walleye boat I have saved for decades to buy, but I'm am a simple guy. A nice vacation to XXX can cost $3K or 10K. I'm the guy that is gong to spend $4-5K, have a nice time and put $1K n my daughters retirement account.(08-21-2021, 11:39 AM)fenders53 Wrote: No I am not selling naked puts and I'll quote and drag this over to the option thread. I desire conversation with the normal people on this thread LOL. It's going to be a long one and I don't want to run them off. They are smarter on taxes and buying and holding AAPL 10 years ago lol.
I bought and held my way to a decent sum of dollars, of course, a big downturn can change that very quickly since I'm fully invested for the most part. I'm about ready to be moving some ETF/mutual fund dollars to cash for redistribution into certain equities, slowly.
So far, I make about 32k in Dividends annually
Buy and hold and try not to sell has been my schtick for a while now
In the meantime I will keep making extra cash selling options and put some of the profits away as safely as possible and still get a little yield. This would be less complicated if a 3% medium term bond yield were possible. Until then I am going to have to do it a little less conventionally. I was suppose to do a 2-3 fund Boglehead port and call it a day. I haven't given up on landing there someday.
And taxes are going to bother me. I'll probably end up working part-time to pay Uncle Sugar his cut lol. We'll see.