03-05-2021, 10:30 PM
VBIN I know you roll puts sometimes. Listen to this Hail Mary. So maybe 6 weeks ago PEP hit 148 and I was pretty sure earnings wouldn't be good enough. So I sold my shares, then sold a strike 146 for some good premium. PEP steadily drops. I walk the put down every week and grab a little more premium. I get it to strike 141 in about a month. Expired today so I bought it back for $1100. Ouch I am down about $700. So I sold an at the money put in ENPH on the hard dip today for $1140. Looked real good a couple hours later when it ran and put dropped to $600. If ain't MAR 19th yet so I'll let you know. I like ENPH but damn it's volatile lately.