02-27-2014, 10:30 PM
I like the concept of organizing a portfolio in ever increasing concentric circles = The core, the mid-core, and then the fringe stocks that really help "juice the income". I also like the concept of a separate account for frequent trading, although I doubt if I would adopt that. I'm trying to simplify, not complicate. While executing a trade is kind of like placing your money down on the roulette table ( very exciting), I try to minimize the action. I subscribe to that theory that I have read on the SA website likening your portfolio to a bar of soap...the more handled, the smaller it becomes. Example: I've been reading about INTC tonight and now thinking that it's time to sell my relatively small position, but then another author posts another article that says the sky is not falling ( for INTC). Then I remember that sometimes the best action is no action. So I've just gone full circle, and have enjoyed the ride. Thanks for reading. -Chris