10-07-2020, 10:55 AM
I am going to have to make a move soon or my income is going to be down this month for the first time in awhile. This patience thing is hard. I was much more content to leave cash undeployed when I could get a 2% APR yield not so long ago. This is one disadvantage to mixing in a lot of 2-3 week option sells in with my strategy. I very much like having considerable money to sell new options with every Friday, but there are definitely times I am stuck sitting on my hands. Plenty of long shares so not like I am missing the fun on up days I guess. I find myself hoping the market has a few bad days every Monday or Tuesday so I can sell puts. On a side note I've had a lot of success the past six months with some more speculative options like WY, OLN etc. I think I am going to stop pushing my luck and put a little more emphasis on my core positions. The premiums won't be as good but I think I'll feel more comfortable getting stuck with blue chip shares. I love the volatility but I'll sleep better getting stuck with excess PEP and JNJ shares.