04-18-2020, 09:24 AM
Had my AAL 4/17 $11 put expire worthless yesterday +$32
OZK 4/17 $22.50 call expire worthless+$5
Had a WEN 4/17 call expire $16 called away that was put to me @ $12 3/23 plan on selling a put on that next down day
Bought 100 F @ $4.92 thursday then sold a 4/17 $5 Call for $10 got called away +$18
Nickle and dimeing my way to something lol
OZK 4/17 $22.50 call expire worthless+$5
Had a WEN 4/17 call expire $16 called away that was put to me @ $12 3/23 plan on selling a put on that next down day
Bought 100 F @ $4.92 thursday then sold a 4/17 $5 Call for $10 got called away +$18
Nickle and dimeing my way to something lol