(02-14-2020, 07:30 PM)NilesMike Wrote: I have not watched all of the tickers posted in this thread but did look back to the earliest posts. Most of names are flat from July/August 2018 up to now while the general market is up 30%
How are you guys using this info?
I can't speak for anyone else, but without context it doesn't have too much meaning. If you want to dig deeper I suppose you could find out the CEO's approximate net worth, or at least his annual salary and compensation. A "director" is pretty generic. I know this is a buy thread but within reason insider sells don't alarm me at all. Some of them receive ridiculous amounts of stock and modest salaries. I wouldn't want 90% of my net worth in one stock either. It doesn't bother me at all if Bezo's sells a billion or two every year. He might need a new house and some beer money for the weekend lol. Insider moves in a small cap catch my attention more.