Thanks for the stories--It's nice to read some personal stances in life.
Fenders, great job with your daughter, sounds like she's on a really great path in life--a job that really makes a difference. Everyone ought to be very proud. I wanted to go the adoption route, even the fostering route but the wife didn't want to go that way. To do it right we both had to be on the same page.
ChadR--welcome to the double comma club!! I set goals, it helps me to stay focused. The first goal was to hit 7 figures in assets at a certain age--I did that 3 1/2 years ago, 5 years ahead of schedule--it really took us by surprise! It took us another 3 years to accumulate 7 figures in the market. I buy and hold, and believe in adding to quality holdings when they take a beating--I've never had a stop loss set. I have sold, I have also trimmed and I've also made some horrible mistakes. My buy and hold strategy happened by accident--when I was going through cancer the Great Recession occurred, two good friends were calling me to sell sell sell--I could care less--I just wanted to get better. My portfolio lost 50 plus percent--not one share or unit got sold. Ironically both friends have finance degrees--they love to buy high and sell low, they suffer from FOMO and FOLE (fear of losing everything). I give them credit--they're very dedicated. My way of thinking is that we may never see another Great Recession in our lifetimes, what? From Great Depression to Great Recession, was almost 80 years? After this bull run I'm assuming we're back to normal recessions. We can do that standing on our heads!!
Crimson--great job becoming retired!! Or as they say FIRED.
Fenders, great job with your daughter, sounds like she's on a really great path in life--a job that really makes a difference. Everyone ought to be very proud. I wanted to go the adoption route, even the fostering route but the wife didn't want to go that way. To do it right we both had to be on the same page.
ChadR--welcome to the double comma club!! I set goals, it helps me to stay focused. The first goal was to hit 7 figures in assets at a certain age--I did that 3 1/2 years ago, 5 years ahead of schedule--it really took us by surprise! It took us another 3 years to accumulate 7 figures in the market. I buy and hold, and believe in adding to quality holdings when they take a beating--I've never had a stop loss set. I have sold, I have also trimmed and I've also made some horrible mistakes. My buy and hold strategy happened by accident--when I was going through cancer the Great Recession occurred, two good friends were calling me to sell sell sell--I could care less--I just wanted to get better. My portfolio lost 50 plus percent--not one share or unit got sold. Ironically both friends have finance degrees--they love to buy high and sell low, they suffer from FOMO and FOLE (fear of losing everything). I give them credit--they're very dedicated. My way of thinking is that we may never see another Great Recession in our lifetimes, what? From Great Depression to Great Recession, was almost 80 years? After this bull run I'm assuming we're back to normal recessions. We can do that standing on our heads!!
Crimson--great job becoming retired!! Or as they say FIRED.