12-19-2018, 05:24 PM
Thanks Eric. I will grab them tonight. I am fairly proficient with Excel and I want to add a column or two for my put/calls sales as I consider them part of the purchase. My positions are 100 shares 90% of the time. That part is easy because I can just subtract the option premium from my entry basis. Once in the port I sell calls if a stock runs wild and becomes overvalued later. A few times per year a position gets called away. It's rare but it happens. Then immediately back in with a put sale. It's all income in the end and I want to track it. Still holding the same stocks and collecting the DGI dividend increases over time. Hope that made some sense. I know your positions are usually smaller and you aren't dealing with this accounting complication. The premiums often exceed a full years dividends so I want to track it.