OHI is bigger and more diverse then CCP with OHI the clear favorite among investors for the right reasons. I was going to sell CCP immediately after the spinoff but held on. I was trying to decide what to do and now it looks like I'll be getting another such spinoff from HCP in that sub-sector. It's not something I planned on and will more then likely sell the one coming from HCP...CCP? I'll probably sell that one too--just not a lot of history to go on.
Hind sight is 20/20 but the next time I'm not sure what to do with a spinoff I'm just going to dump it, I did that with South32 and it worked out in my favor.
Hind sight is 20/20 but the next time I'm not sure what to do with a spinoff I'm just going to dump it, I did that with South32 and it worked out in my favor.