Well the "ImportData" function at Google Sheets is toast. Reading various theories as to why. Some clearing house company not permitting Yahoo data to be imported.
So other than Stock Rover any other solutions?
My issue is the thought process I use to track everything. First, our shares are in numerous accounts between Fidelity and Vanguard and then between, IRA's, rollovers, 401K's, etc. Second, I track them as to whether they are "Dividend" or "Growth" and "International"...plus some other breakdowns. So the Google Sheets and Importing from Yahoo when Google didn't provide the date (dividends, yield, dates, etc) was the perfect solution. In fact the spreadsheet was humming along perfectly until just the other day.
Mac's don't handle web queries well if at all. I believe there is harvesting function in Excel (probably calling that wrong). Something where a cell on one page will search a second page for a value (Stock ID) and return a value for another cell on that second page. Anyone using this?
All of this wouldn't be a problem if the "Great and Powerful Google" would add dividend data to Google Finance....
So other than Stock Rover any other solutions?
My issue is the thought process I use to track everything. First, our shares are in numerous accounts between Fidelity and Vanguard and then between, IRA's, rollovers, 401K's, etc. Second, I track them as to whether they are "Dividend" or "Growth" and "International"...plus some other breakdowns. So the Google Sheets and Importing from Yahoo when Google didn't provide the date (dividends, yield, dates, etc) was the perfect solution. In fact the spreadsheet was humming along perfectly until just the other day.
Mac's don't handle web queries well if at all. I believe there is harvesting function in Excel (probably calling that wrong). Something where a cell on one page will search a second page for a value (Stock ID) and return a value for another cell on that second page. Anyone using this?
All of this wouldn't be a problem if the "Great and Powerful Google" would add dividend data to Google Finance....
There are people who use up their entire lives making money so they can enjoy the lives they have entirely used up
Frederick Buechner
Frederick Buechner