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Did You Trade Today? What and Why?
Today I liquidated partial positions in AAPL, SPY, MCD. The reason for the liquidation is that the stock has realized between 10-20% short-term (less than 3 months) appreciation in each of these partial positions. I was overweight in each of these positions.

I still hold a substantial position in each of these names, but my strategy is to take a profit from time to time. Should the stock or ETF experience a dip, I will buy the partial positions back at a lower price.

I swing trade partial positions, but not according to any set of rules. I have had mixed success.

Currently I have a large position in CBI as a special situation trade (huge selloff for no good reason), as well as being short long-dated puts. I intend to hold the position for at least a year for tax purposes, or longer depending on how things unfold, but not forever.
Sold partial positon of SWK @ $97.40/share this morning. This partial position was purchased 10/14/14 @$82.95/share. Gain for 4 month period = 17% (annualized = 52%).

Utilizing position trading, channel trading, and trend trading strategies.

Trades are guided by market trends, sector trends, gains in a partial position > 10%, stochastics, and MACD. Collecting dividends while waiting for the stars to align.


Bought 50 shares of ED @ $62.25. ED is a Dividend Achiever and a Dividend Aristocrat with a current dividend yield of 4.20%, PE = 16.7, stochastics show oversold, MACD (12,26,9) approaching a cross-over. This partial position will be a candidate for a sell at a price > $68.50/share. In the interim, I'm content with the dividend yield of 4.20%.

Current Portfolio Position:
Holding period = 7 years
Stock Value = $15,560
Stock Basis = $10,445
Yield on Basis = 6.03%
Stock Appreciation = $1,199
Safety Factor >16 (price/basis/beta)
(03-04-2015, 12:05 PM)Main Street Stock Investor Wrote: Today I liquidated partial positions in AAPL, SPY, MCD. The reason for the liquidation is that the stock has realized between 10-20% short-term (less than 3 months) appreciation in each of these partial positions. I was overweight in each of these positions.

I still hold a substantial position in each of these names, but my strategy is to take a profit from time to time. Should the stock or ETF experience a dip, I will buy the partial positions back at a lower price.


After the wiggle in the market today, SPY, MCD, and AAPL is back on my watch list to re-purchase the partial positions I sold a few days ago.
Sold 50% of position in KRFT.

Purchase date/price: 8/13/14 / $56.38
Liquidation date/price: 3/30/15 / $87.81

Holding Period, 7.5 months
Gain = $31.43/share
Sold about 20% of HASI from my Roth. The stock is up 33% from my cost basis in a very short time after an article by Brad Thomas on SA. I still like it and consider it a hold, and would like to add on dips, but for now it's too far too fast.
(04-01-2015, 08:15 AM)Main Street Stock Investor Wrote: Sold 50% of position in KRFT.

Purchase date/price: 8/13/14 / $56.38
Liquidation date/price: 3/30/15 / $87.81

Holding Period, 7.5 months
Gain = $31.43/share

Nice gain but you didn't want to wait a single week for ex-dividend? Also, when is record date for the special dividend?

(04-01-2015, 10:27 AM)rapidacid Wrote:
(04-01-2015, 08:15 AM)Main Street Stock Investor Wrote: Sold 50% of position in KRFT.

Purchase date/price: 8/13/14 / $56.38
Liquidation date/price: 3/30/15 / $87.81

Holding Period, 7.5 months
Gain = $31.43/share

Nice gain but you didn't want to wait a single week for ex-dividend? Also, when is record date for the special dividend?

A bird in the hand. The $0.55 dividend was tempting, but the stock could easily be down more than that by Ex dividend date. It is getting a nice bump today, however. I'll revisit on XDD just to see what could have been.
Sold partial position in AAPL and OKE:

AAPL: Purchase date/price = 12/17/14 @$107.58
Sale Date/price = 4/8/15 @125.64
Gain = $18.06/share for 4 month holding period
% Gain = 17% for 4 months, 50% annualized

OKE: Purchase date/price = 01/14/15 @$41.00
Sale Date/price = 4/8/15 @48.62
Gain = $7.62/share for 3 month holding period
% Gain = 19% for 3 months, 74% annualized.

Reason for selling >10% gain in partial position, monitoring stochastics and MACD.
Sold partial position in TEVA and WBA:

TEVA: Purchase date/price = 8/3/11 @$42.24
Sale Date/price = 4/9/15 @67.87
Gain = $25.63/share for 3.5 year holding period + dividends
% Gain = 61%% for entire holding period, 17% annualized

WBA (formally WAG): Purchase date/price = 09/14/14 @$61.16
Sale Date/price = 4/9/15 @89.76
Gain = $28.60/share for 7 month holding period
% Gain = 47% for 7 months, 80% annualized.

These partial positions will be re-purchased in the future at a lower cost and I will re-post when that trade is executed. It could be one month from now or 1 year from now.

Bought MPW on 3/6 for $14.34. Sold on 4/6 for $15.34, plus got one dividend. Today rebought the shares at $14.84 and then immediately sold Oct $15 calls for 60 cents. Not counting the capital gain from the earlier trade, that brings the net cost back down to the original price paid in March. If called, will net about 4.6% in six months plus gives a chance at two dividends which would bring in another 2.9%. Not counting dividends, the trade and rebuy has dropped the out of pocket per share cost down to $13.56, which is a much more comfortable level given the specter of rising rates. If these shares survive October expiration, they will go into the long term pile with no more call writing.
(04-09-2015, 06:24 PM)hendi_alex Wrote: Bought MPW on 3/6 for $14.34. Sold on 4/6 for $15.34, plus got one dividend. Today rebought the shares at $14.84 and then immediately sold Oct $15 calls for 60 cents. Not counting the capital gain from the earlier trade, that brings the net cost back down to the original price paid in March. If called, will net about 4.6% in six months plus gives a chance at two dividends which would bring in another 2.9%. Not counting dividends, the trade and rebuy has dropped the out of pocket per share cost down to $13.56, which is a much more comfortable level given the specter of rising rates. If these shares survive October expiration, they will go into the long term pile with no more call writing.

Good strategy and trade.

Sold partial position in GE this morning:

GE: Purchase date/price = 1/14/15 @$23.66
Sale Date/price = 4/10/15 @$27.48
Gain = $3.82/share for 3 month holding period
% Gain = 16%% for the 3 month holding period, 65% annualized

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