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Any current thoughts on mREITS in this rising interest rate environment?



Just to name two....

There are people who use up their entire lives making money so they can enjoy the lives they have entirely used up
Frederick Buechner
Had NLY for a while. Loved the dividend, but hated the dividend cuts. Dropped them after the first cut. Good thing since they cut it a few more times after I sold all my shares. I haven't really looked into them again after selling them. I might do it again later, but I'm a little gun shy with them at this point.
I wouldn't consider any of them for long term investments as they are too volatile for my tastes. There are so many other more reliable investment options out there, I've learned my lesson already not to try to chase yield.
My website: DGI For The DIY
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I've had NLY in my portfolio for a long time, at an average price of somewhere just above $16 per share, I think. With the big dividends, I think the income I've gotten from it has more or less offset my (paper) losses on the share price. The income is hard to beat, though. At today's prices, I'd like to think that there is a lot less downside danger, but these are hard securities to analyze. So long as you keep the positions relatively small and understand that you may be in for a bumpy ride -- both with respect to the share price and the income stream -- it is certainly can provide a nice boost to your income stream.
I've been doing a lot of research on REITs, but mREITS are a bit too volatile for me....
(06-12-2014, 08:59 PM)Ok Red Wrote: I've been doing a lot of research on REITs, but mREITS are a bit too volatile for me....

I would not put a penny in mREITS. End of Story.
When I first bought AGNC in 2012, its yield was 17%. My yield on cost is now 8.8%. My unrealized capital loss is 21%. Sounds pretty bad, doesn't it?

Not to me. I do not invest for capital gains. Current income is my focus. My combined current yield for all of my accounts is 6.86% and YOC is 7.77%. The one year weighted average dividend growth rate of my combined portfolios is 5%, even with the negative growth rate of AGNC. I have a preponderance of high yield low growth stocks, so I consider 5% dividend growth to be an excellent result.

For me, AGNC is still pulling its weight and then some.

For others, I can understand that its variable dividend and potential for unrealized capital loss make it undesirable. AGNC and others like it must be approached with eyes wide open if you do not want to be panicked out of its high dividend.
Just goes to show that some can put a positive spin on anything. The truth lies in the total return as compared to other potential investments. Over the period AGNC probably performed worse than almost any DG type of stocks that has been mentioned at this site.
That is your truth, Alex. There is no absolute truth here.
Some investors have difficulty selling losers. Over the period mentioned AGNC has been a dog that would have been better cut loose. No spin will alter that fact. In general mREITs are no place to be when rates start to rise. Ignoring that 'truth' will likely lead to unacceptable losses. MREITs represent high risk fair weather plays. The market is saying that stormy weather is in the not too distant future.

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