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What I Am Buying Today.
Haven't been buying anything, just trims to build up cash position. Due to being busy at work, it takes time.
Sold out of my positions in AAPL, BMY, and CVS.

Added to my positions in AWK, HRL, NXST, and WM.

Started new positions in DRI and FDX.
My website: DGI For The DIY
Also on: Facebook - Twitter - Seeking Alpha
I'm holding onto my AAPL and MSFT, though I haven't added to either in a while.

The Technology Select Sector Index, XLK, has a lot of Apple and Microsoft, and neither have done super great in the past year. Here's something interesting:

Past year performance
AAPL: 20.53%
MSFT: -2.57%
XLK: 12.02%
ROM (x2 XLK): 12.69%
TECL (x3 XLK): 7.33%

So interestingly, though the index was up 12% over the past year, the double leveraged version was only slightly higher, and the triple leveraged version was actually significantly lower. So much for my vaunted triple leverage strategy. I'm now incorporating more double leverage in my etfs.
Trimmed cvs, intc, acmr, added google, bought back oxy
Once again I am amazed/amused by the power of compounding. I bought DE in 2013 and a little more in 2014. In 2021, I trimmed a little more than my initial investment leaving me with just my returns from dividends and growth. I trimmed a little more today for total sales of 185% of my initial investment and still sitting on a balance over double that of my original investment amount.

“While the dividend itself is merely a rearrangement of equity, over time it's more like owning an apple tree. The tree grows the apples back again and again and again, and the theoretical value of the tree doesn't change just because of when the apples are about to fall.” - earthtodan

DE went OUT OF ITS MIND from April 2020 to April 2021. I don't know what happened then, but mazel tov for holding through that period.
For my own portfolio ... I'm starting to gobble MSTY up. I can't help it. I've always been a moth to the flame for high dividend payers, and this is the biggest, largest div payer of all time, and so far it's without price depreciation. My first dividend from it arrives tomorrow.

I started the year at around $7.8k in dividends annually. I'm currently at $14k. I project I will end the year around $25k in annual dividends.

I have to see how MSTY handles itself through a tough market before I really start buying lots & lots of it.
Added google, noc, cpb

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