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What I Am Buying Today.
It's days like today that reinforce confidence in my homebuilder strategy. Just weird to profit because some people can't get jobs.
New positions in HOOD, DKNG, and SQ

Added CMI and JNJ

Note: I sold half my apple shares.
(05-02-2024, 04:16 PM)MrFortune Wrote: Sold my APPL up $13 after hours and AMGN up $40. I mean this market is crazy confused right now. Sales are slowing at AAPP and they bid it up $13 Wink

I will put proceeds into GOOG most likely tomorrow and looking at SQ, DKNG and COIN
Need to add back some growth names

Same sold some aapl and added google
Added More to my LLY, NVO, SQ, GOOG and SBUX holdings
Well, today I bit the bullet and merged my annual bonus into the market. I bought at least two of every stock in my portfolio as it currently stands, so here it is:

Tech: Apple, Microsoft, Upstart
Semiconductors: Nvidia, BroadCom, Super Micro
Home builders: DR Horton, Pulte, Lennar, Toll Brothers
Biotech: Abbvie, Eli Lilly
Financial: One Main Holdings

Yup, just 13 stocks. The rest are in ETFs, which I didn't add to today.
Added SBUX, EL, GOOG and WFC
(05-13-2024, 07:20 PM)rayray Wrote: GOOGL & ZTS

Never heard of Zoetis before.  I take it you like their pipeline?
Added to names I already have


UTES are on fire. I may trim today.
Loaded on oxy
(05-13-2024, 08:20 PM)ken-do-nim Wrote:
(05-13-2024, 07:20 PM)rayray Wrote: GOOGL & ZTS

Never heard of Zoetis before.  I take it you like their pipeline?

it was a spinoff from Pfizer, it's also the largest healthcare company for pets and livestock

It's a small position, but i plan on adding to it through time--what i like to do is have my holdings spread out between different accounts with a miniumum investment of 5k--so the goal would to have 5k dollars of ZTS in each main account: brokerage, rollover ira and roth (i actually have 2 brokerages, 1 rollover ira, 1 roth and kplan--the wife has 1 rollover and 1 403b plan) if i really like the stock i'll have it in all the accounts except for the company sponsored plans cause i can't lol

it makes it easier to monitor/manage the accounts plus i think 15k is a nice sum to see a reasonable gain but not to overreact or get too upset if it drops for some reason

sometimes i have to force myself to buy something other than tech

now if i really like a stock i like to have at minimum of 50k but i do add to my winners and let them run--my weakness is trimming, i do trim but not often--it's why i have several stocks over 100k--i shouldn't but do

but mostly the goal is to have holdings in the 15 to 20k dollar range and go from there
(05-01-2024, 03:02 PM)NilesMike Wrote: Bought ARCC @ open 20.55

Down opening after good earnings 9.34% dividend yield, yes sir may I have another!

Finished the hat trick at yesterday's open.
MAIN @ 48.95
HTGC @ 19.09

8.33% average yields

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