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What I Am Buying Today.
Congrats to all those who added the banks today at the lows. Liftoff
Added a bit more USB, MET and JNJ
added to

Ladies and gentlemen, say hello Quantitative Easing.

Last 7 days or so in numbers:
-$300b of cash pushed into banks in the USA by the FED. (effectively wiping out ~4 months of reducing the balance sheet)
-over $50b of cash pushed into credit suisse by the Swiss central bank.
-probably a lot of additional liquidity injected around the world that we haven't heard about

That is a minimum of 1/3 of a trillion USD of cash pushed into banks in a matter of days.
Started a watch position in BXSL.
Added some HD, MPW and SCHD
New position in NTB and added PNC
added to

Sold out of KMI and trimmed my AAPL

Added to ADC, MED, and OZK.

Ended up with about the same annual dividend income, but hoping for more income growth in the future through the change.
My website: DGI For The DIY
Also on: Facebook - Twitter - Seeking Alpha
(03-21-2023, 09:49 AM)EricL Wrote: Sold out of KMI and trimmed my AAPL

Added to ADC, MED, and OZK.

Ended up with about the same annual dividend income, but hoping for more income growth in the future through the change.

I like the MED buy

OZK not a fan of especially with that CEO they have. Give me USB
Hooray! My stinky oil and banks ran up some today lol.
I sold out of ZIM today, which is weird because I really believe in the company. However, my gamble is that the shares will be much cheaper on April 4th, the ex-div date, and I will repurchase then and lower my cost basis.

On the last ex-div date of November 28th, the stock fell from $25.67 to $21.21, and the div was $2.95/share, which is really only $2.22 per share because of the 25% foreign tax taken out right away. I believe April 4th will have a similar over-sized drop, due to fears that the dividend will either be greatly reduced or suspended altogether for the balance of '23 due to the recession; fears I believe are overblown. This time the dividend is a massive $6.40/share, $4.80 after foreign taxes. It is obviously a bit scary to voluntarily forgo a $2880 cash payment, which would have been the largest single dividend I've ever received by far, so only time will tell if this move pays off.

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